Wednesday, May 29, 2019

1d10 monster motivations

1d2 for ooze and plants (Grey Ooze)
1d4 for animals (Owlbear)
1d6 for very beastly creatures (Ghouls)

2d10 take lowest for savage creatures (Troglodyte)
1d10 for mostly civilized creatures (Hobgoblin)
2d10 take highest for sophisticated creatures (Vampire)

The monster seeks...
1. Safety (lost, wounded, poisoned, cursed, evading predators, out of torches; good opportunity to foreshadow the nearest hazard/monster)
2. Food or water (hunting, hungry)
3. Own species (a mate, a pack, a pack member, to impress, to hurt rivals)
4. Comfort (shelter, rest, warmth, going home after a mission)
5. Territory control (patrolling, tracking intruders, conquest)
6. Catharsis (sadism, anger, grief, defiling, zealotry, revenge)
7. Luxury items (gold, magic items, alcohol, slaves, fancy thing PC has)
8. Knowledge (news, directions, lore)
9. Allies or assistance (roll again for deeper purpose)
10. Satisfaction of higher needs (independence, freedom, spirituality)

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