Saturday, June 27, 2020

Goblins and gremblins

Traditional evil-humanoid goblins or fairy tale goblins? Here's my attempt to have my cake and eat it too.

Goblins are stupid little forest spirits. They are dirty, mischievous, and act like bratty half-feral children. Tiny, big heads, big pointy ears, smooth grin skin like an unripe tomato, missing teeth, and stinking rags.
For those who seek the goblin market, for its wondrous insects, strange mushrooms and bizarre trinkets, beware: Goblins are mostly harmless, but they are still fey folk. Do not accept their slimy food and ugly gifts lest you will be indebted to them, and remember to be extremely polite.

By an unnatural process, a goblin can turn into a gremblin. Their skin turns grey, wrinkled and bloated, their nose falls off, and their teeth grow long and wicked. Gremblins are bitter, jealous, petty bullies. Their tricks are cruel and bloody. This change is dangerous and tends to spread, as gremblins desire to make more gremblins, whose new appearance is a pale copy of the original. When their number reaches a critical mass, they leave their hidden homes and form mobs to wreak havoc. Thankfully, when the original gremblin's curse is banished, all the other gremblins are freed as well, but to do this, one must first find the original gremblin, which is no easy task.

(Finally, a goblin enslaved or indoctrinated by a dragon grows scales and a tail. Some even learn to breathe fire. They lose their ties to the forest, almost always becoming spirits of old mines and caves instead, as this is where most dragons lair. They are dour, smarter and more pragmatic, and are called kobolds.)

d6 types of gremblin havoc:
1. Setting things on fire for fun
2. Pushing old people down stairs
3. Eating disobedient children
4. Poisoning cattle and crops
5. Stealing all the gold they can find.
6. Stabbing folks in their sleep.

d8 ways a gremblin is made:
1. By being dumped in a wizard's black cauldron
2. By eating the Forbidden Root
3. By looking directly at the Grinning Star that appears sometimes on moonless nights
4. By becoming too angry and bitter
5. By remaining lost or lonely for a month and a day
6. By drinking alcohol
7. By engaging in too many acts of delinquency (possibly led by human children, who will run off in terror after a goblin becomes a gremblin.)
8. By eating too much sugar, or eating too much, period

d8 ways to banish the gremblin curse:
1. Make them laugh. It needs to be a particularly funny joke, and no two gremblins have the same sense of humor.
2. Beat them in an ugly face contest. You and the DM must either describe said faces in detail, or act it out in real life. Ask an uninvolved third party to judge if you can. Otherwise, first person to snicker or say something along the lines of "ew" or "god damn it" loses.
3. Convince them they are not a gremblin.
4. By doing the polar opposite of what created them.
5. Startle them so hard they hit their head on the ceiling. If it'd cure a hiccup, it'll work.
6. Gross them out. It's very difficult to gross out a gremblin. Worst case scenario, the gremblin likes the way you think, and you've made a very nasty little new friend.
7. Cut off the glowing warts hidden somewhere on their back.
8. Just be very nice to them.

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